
For inquiries about the website, ideas exchange, travel recommendations, kids’ activities, or family-friendly events, reach out and simply send a message with details, including inclusions, timeframe, content requested, and budget, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Advertise with Melbourne with Kidz – Your Family’s Gateway to Melbourne!

Melbourne with Kidz is your go-to guide for family fun in Melbourne and beyond. We highlight events, playgrounds, experiences, and giveaways, along with informative blogs and attraction reviews. Partner with us to showcase your family-friendly business or event and connect with adventurous families across Melbourne and Regional Victoria. Let’s create memorable experiences together for Melbourne’s families!


Our website consistently draws in an impressive average of over 290,000 monthly page views. Across our social media platforms, we have a combined following of more than 150,000 dedicated followers. Our organic and genuine engagement metrics are equally impressive, with over 500,000 genuine reach on Facebook and 350,000 on Instagram each month.

Here’s a breakdown of our social media presence:
– Facebook: 76,100 followers
– Private Facebook group: 14,500 members
– Instagram: 53,200 followers
– TikTok: 14,400 followers

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